Welcome to my website!
As a child I loved to read.
As a teenager, my desire went a step further: I wanted to make up stories myself, write books! But it didn't work out...
As an adult, I wrote short pieces on a sort of social media, pieces that others enjoyed reading. The desire to write a book was still there, and I actually started it. I was very satisfied with the first two chapters, but I didn't get any further. I was broken, although I didn't even realize how serious it was at that moment.
In recent years I have gone through a process of emotional healing. Old, deep wounds has been healed. I learned to listen to my inner voice, to my soul. I learned to feel which impressions came up from injury and which were pure, pure from my soul. My true self, who I really am, emerged, was brought to life. For the first time in all those years I can say that I am alive, instead of being lived by other people, convictions and emotional wounds. That feels great, strong. It makes me happy!
The desire to write a book seemed to have disappeared at first, but returned in 2021. And at a certain point I knew that the time was right. It was exciting. All those years before my process of innerhealing, I had encountered failures in all sorts of areas, including fantasy and writing. And I knew and felt that I was healed a lot, but would it be enough?
In November that year I decided to make a start. I immediately got a strong impression that it would start with a young woman who wanted to flee her parental home. She applied to a guest house and was accepted. She received a place to live in that house and was invited to eat there. That was all I knew, but I sat down and started typing...
The story came like just bubbling up from my soul. I typed and typed! Sometimes I had impressions, that changed as I was typing. I accepted the change, when I was sure it came from within. Sometimes that was a bit tricky, most of the time it ran smoothly.
The story grew and grew.... and is still growing! Even now that the first book is finished, it continues to grow. It has now been followed up with a second volume. And for the third volume, ideas are already starting to bubble up too....
The banner and the book covers
are made by
my soulmate William.
He's a genius in living with me and in making pictures like this.
William, your name means you would be a protector, resolute, steadfast, strong-willed. And that's exactly what you are in everyday life!
I am deeply grateful to you for who you are, for who you are to me, and for what you do, for what you create. You are nothing short of amazing, my everything!
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